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*From Episode 2: Soviet certification of Sara’s birth
*From Episode 2: Gravestone for Sara’s mother Gita Mebel, Sofiya Gamburg-Reiser, Mirra Belinkova, & Victor Belinkov
*From Episode 3: Rabbi Moses Etter in news article – 1928
*From Episode 3: Sheyna Ester Etter’s Overseas Passport – 1925
*From Episode 3: Etter family visa with stamp – 1925
*From Episode 3: Etter family visa – 1925
*From Episode 3: Etter claim check from Havana
*From Episode 3: Etter family samovar
*From episode 3: Rabbi Moses with his son Leo
*From Episode 3: Rabbi Moses Etter
*From Episode 3: Excerpt from Operational Order #00447
*From Episode 4: Gita with two men, probably her brothers
*From Episode 4: Gita – 1916
*From Episode 4: Sara is the child in the front row; Zalya is in the middle; Gita is on the right
*From Episode 4: Zalya’s sisters Sheyna, Raisa, & Chunya
*From Episode 4: Names of Zalya’s sisters on photo’s back
*From Episode 5: Victor & Maria Kugel with Vladimir Jabotinsky & others – pre-WWI St. Petersburg
*From Episode 5: Zalya
*From Episode 5: “My papa” (back of Zalya photo)
*From Episode 5: Vera Mukhina statue
*From Episode 5: Victor Kugel’s name on Memorial list of Terror victims
*From Episode 5: Noemi (Maimi) Kugel
*From Episode 5: Zalya’s name on Memorial list of Terror victims
*From Episode 9: Sara’s Labor Booklet – 1945-1948
*From Episode 9 – Arkady Belinkov
*From Episode 9: Works by Arkady Belinkov
*From Episode 10: Reference to Sara’s 1966 article
*From Episode 10: Vladimir Keilis-Borok
*From Episode 10: Vyacheslav Bonchkovsky
*From Episode 10: Sara’s supervisor Eugene F. Savarensky
*From Episode 11: Gita (still formidable)
*From Episode 11: Vitya Belinkov
*From Episode 11: Sara & Vitya
*From Episode 11: Coffee set from co-workers to M.N. Belinkova – 1952
*From Episode 11: Sara & Vitya’s marriage certificate – 1975
*From Episode 12: Gerald, Dorothy, & Leo
*From Episode 12: Sara & Sylvia
*From Episode 12: Sara, Sylvia, & Vitya
*From Episode 12: Sylvia & Vitya
*From Episode 12: Bob, Sara, & Natasha Belinkova’s mother – Moscow 1982
*From Episode 12: Sara’s uncle Chaim is in the middle
*From Episode 12: Susi, Fanny, & Moritz – Erfurt 1931
*From Episode 12: Sara’s cousin Dr. Moritz Mebel
*From Episode 12: Bob & Sonja with portrait of Moritz – Berlin 2004
*From Episode 12: Moritz Mebel’s induction into the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR
*From Episode 12: Moritz, Perry, Sonja, & Laurie outside the “New Synagogue” – Berlin 2004
*From Episode 12: Bob, Moritz, & Perry – Berlin 2004
*From Episode 12: Sonja Mebel, with her apt house on left – Berlin 2004
*From Episode 12: Bob, Perry, Moritz, & Sonja – Berlin 2004
*From Episode 12: Perry, Bob, & Moritz at Holocaust Memorial – Berlin 2004
Sara Mebel – n.d.
Sara’s Labor Booklet – 1940
Sara’s jobs – 1940-1942
Vitya’s war medal – 1945
Sara’s promotions & awards – 1945-1948
Sara’s work verification – 1956
Sara’s union card – 1959
Article on Soviet seismology with picture of Sara (on right) – 1959
Sara’s Veteran of Labor medal – 1975
Sara, Mary Travers (from Peter, Paul, & Mary), Rabbi David Saperstein, & Sylvia – Moscow 1983
Sara & Laurie – Moscow 1987
Sara – 1987
Sara’s union card – 1987
Mark & Sasha Steinberg with Sara – 1988
Sara, Laurie, & Perry in Red Square – 1989
Mark Steinberg & Sara with the future “Sasha Velour”
Sara – 1991
Sara with Stan & Sylvia Weinberg – Florida 1992
Sara’s medal for valiant work during WWII – 1991
Sara – Pushkin 1995
Sara’s passport – 1995
Soskin family cousins with Sara & Perry – Swarthmore 2004
Sara – Philadelphia 2015
Sara’s 98th birthday party – Philadelphia 2017
Sara’s bookshelf – August 2017
Sara’s other bookshelf – August 2017